Monday, August 22, 2011

The Quintessential College Guide for the Incoming Freshman: Pt 3: Academics

You are all checked into your dorm, you have put all of your stuff in your tiny new living space, and you have just shared a heart felt (or not) goodbye with your family. As they drive off you are now officially a college student. Yes the chances to party will skyrocket, yes there will be plenty of distractions now that the parents are away, and yes college is one big party, to an extent.

But despite all of the parties, girls, and school events, the reason that your parents are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars per year for you to be at -insert college here- is so you can learn something in the classroom that will help you get a job four to six years after you graduate (assuming you graduate of course).
So without further delay, let us explore the academic trials and tribulations that you will face as you head into Freshman year.

Before tackling the topics within college academics, the first thing you need to know is what type of student you will run into.

Student type number 1: The kids who spend every waking minute of every day in their text books, or bookworms.

These students are usually one of four majors, any kind of engineering major, nursing, economics, or law.   These kids don't not spend much time socializing in the dining hall, do not say much other than the polite "later" when leaving for class and "hello" when they return, and may ask you to turn the music down when they are trying to study. Fortunately for you, Bookworms are usually good roommates. They do not bother you when you need to buckle down and work, they rarely cause drama, and the rare occasions they do party, they are either well composed or so bad that they do something Facebook video worthy. The biggest drawback to a bookworm roommate is when you are trying to seduce someone of the opposite sex. Simply because the bookworms do not want to leave the room. To avoid problems and drama, shoot them a text letting them know of your circumstances. Usually bookworms relocate if they are alerted ahead of time, if they don't, then you ain't getting any that night.

P.S. There is almost no way to avoid being a bookworm if you are one of the four majors above. Unless you have the best time management skills and are always efficient, this will be you if you want to be an engineer, nurse, accountant, or lawyer.

Potential student number 2: The guy/girl who doesn't care about class and parties all the time, or the partyer.

Every group has that one guy or girl who only goes to class for the first day of syllabus week and never goes again. These particular students smoke or drink every day for no reason, are always asleep when they aren't partying, and are always the reason the RA comes knocking on your door on a Wednesday night because they smell weed coming from your room. Partying with this student is always a blast and you guys usually get along. But when Sunday comes and you are trying to get your work done, all this person wants to do is get you to drink or smoke. This student never has above a 2.5 GPA and is disliked by your friend group because they have gotten you all written up at least once. The best way to deal with the partyer is to wait it out because they will eventually pledge a fraternity or sorority and they will be gone long enough for you to get your work done. But stay on good terms with them, so you can get invited to their house parties on weekends.

Potential student type number 3: The student who waits until Sunday to do all of their work, or as I like to call them, the rest of you.

This particular student mold makes up 80-85 percent of college campuses, and they are usually the most chill. The rest of us who are not future engineers, nurses, lawyers, or accountants do not have crippling work loads comparatively. However, poor time management skills and the fact that Facebook is available in the school libraries make most of these students unproductive, even when they try to get work done. These students then spend the remainder of the week complaining about their work load to their friends as they are all playing Madden or talking shit about other people. The simple solution to not becoming this student is to manage your time well. Which is pretty easy considering how much of it you actually have when you are at college.

So now that we covered what types of students you will run into or become, it's time to talk about academic stereotypes. Like all of the topics surrounding college, there are some situations and stereotypes that you will encounter as a college student. Some of these situations are true stereotypes while others remain myths like the lock ness monster, UFO's, and the BCS playoff system. So let's play some fact or fiction to determine which situations actually happen while others are Hollywood ideals.

College Education rumor number 1: College Books are absurdly expensive


If the average college student takes 15-16 credits or 5-6 classes per semester the projected average book costs should be between $500-$900 depending on your major and whether or not a professor wants you to get more than one book for the class. Some professors are nice and let you know ahead of time that you do not need the book for the class, while others take their lessons from the book word for word. Speaking of professors taking the text word for word, any college professor worth half of their paycheck will give you some form of test from the book. If you cannot afford the book, buy it online ( and are two good sites to get books from) or befriend someone who did buy the book. Also, if become study buddies with someone of the opposite sex, you could end up doing more than just studying if you play your cards right.

Speaking of professors, college education rumor number 2: The professors are more organized and better prepared to teach their classes.


Remember the high school teacher you had that was a jerk that taught you nothing and made up things for tests that the class did not cover? Well guess what? These teachers exist in college as well! But wait there is more. In addition to not teaching you anything and making things up for tests, some teachers add arbitrary rules to their classes to make them so much more fun. One example of these arbitrary rules in the classroom comes from a female classmate of mine who had this old battleaxe. Whenever she would hand the old fart a paper, if the staple was not PRECISELY 1/4 of an inch away from the edge of a page, HE WOULD GIVE HER AN "F" WITHOUT READING THE PAPER.

So how do you follow all of the madness? Write down everything  the professor says and talk to people who had the professor before. You will then learn what to do to succeed in a difficult class. To avoid crappy professors, hit up to get reviews of every professor teaching classes that you want to take.

College Education rumor number 3: The Library is the best place to do work


This usually depends on the school and the people, but at my school, the library is one of the least productive places on the entire campus. Students are either on Facebook, playing Angry Birds, or on Youtube avoiding their work at all possible costs (see Student type number 3 for more info). I contend that dorm rooms are usually better places to work because you have almost all of the same internet sources available to you online and there fewer people to tune out. Plus, you do not have to pay the school for printing anything if you use your own printer. If you cannot avoid going to the library, go alone. Study groups always break down and after 20 or so minutes of talking, the group migrates to the cafeteria and the work remains unfinished.

College Education Rumor number 4: Class sizes are bigger


Unless you are taking an unpopular major, the smallest class size you will likely encounter at an average sized school will be 24-26 students. But yes, the huge classes of about 100-200 students do exist, and you may have to take one or two in your college career. However, the huge classes are either core classes everyone has to take, or a specific class everyone in a certain major has to take. Professors who teach the 100-200 student class will not remember your name and will not take role call because the process would take about 10 minutes. Another aspect of the 100-200 kid class to watch out for is the fact that the professor will not stop the lesson for any questions during class. But if you approach the professor after class, usually you can get the answer to your question without an issue. The key to surviving these classes are taking good notes, staying awake, and doing well on tests. You can afford a little slack on homework because 99% of big lecture professors don't collect homework, but that makes the tests all the more critical.

So how do you survive the manic world of college academics? It's pretty simple actually. Here are the best steps to take to excelling as a student.

  • In college, you will have more time on your hands then ever before, so make that time work for you instead of against you. If you stay ahead of your work, you will have ample time to party, join clubs, and whatever else suits your fancy. 
  • Make a schedule for when you can do your work and keep track of important due dates. If you know when things are due, you know just how much time you have to do them. 
  • Try to avoid doing more than two different assignments in one day. Taking on more than two different assignments per day will ultimately lessen the quality of work you put into the it. And ultimately, the less time you put into an important assignment, the worse your grade will be.
  • Take a break from work when you are tired. Contrary to popular belief, breaks are a good thing. They keep your mind from overworking itself and you can grab something to eat in the meantime to give yourself more energy. 
  • Get a good night's sleep as often as possible. If you can get at least six hours of sleep before your first class every day it is less likely that you will fall asleep during class. 

So that covers pretty much everything from the academic perspective of college. Hopefully you all will make something of yourselves and help America once you all make it to the real world.

Topics still to be covered

  • Freshman 15
  • Friends vs. "Friends"
  • How to Handle difficult college situations (girls/guys, RA's, roomates)
  • How to Handle long distance relationships when you both go to different colleges.
  • And a Grog special, How much to tell your parents about your college life when they ask about your semester.

Until next time you hooligans.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Quintessential College Guide for the Incoming Freshman Pt. 2: Freshman Dorm Life

You're an 18 year old High School senior and you're anxious about living with someone else because you're an anti-social and maliciously violent sociopath? Well then you're probably screwed, and your roommate along with you.

However, for all the normal people out there (normal meaning god knows what), here is your guide to one one the more harrowing and important aspects of Freshman year, dorm living.

PART 1: False Stereotypes

Unless you are some sort of uptight prick with no personality, these cookie cutter images that you've been made to believe are the pillars of the college experience will not ring true:

"I installed a shitload of bookcases and bulletin boards in my room because I'm a learned intellectual with excellent organizational skills!!"

"If everything in my room isn't indicative of the school that I am currently attending I will be judged for my lack of collegiate pride!"

"I will be a member of a professional, clean, and diverse community!"

" I have to cover every square inch of my walls with intellectually stimulating symbols of culture that typify my youthful obsession with adventurism and rejection of mainstream icons"

Well SHIT! If you don't fit within one of these moulds you'll probably be an outcast at school and thus the pariah of your dorm, right? WRONG.

PART 2: True Stereotypes

Some "All-In-One" Words to describe a Freshman college dorm: Zoo, Mess, Playground, Battlefield, Inner City Community Center, Communist Apartment Block, Social Experiment.

"Pregame in 207, 8 o'clock"

Social experiment is the major buzzword to describe a Freshman College Dorm. Why? Its the first time most of the kids in the dorm have lived without their parents hovering over them, so the effect of removing their parents from the equations on some of them is similar to what happens when you remove the cap off of a full bottle of coke that you were using as a soccer ball. Here are some characters you will typically meet in your average college dorm.

1. The computer nerd kid that never sleeps.

"Turn the lights off? Its only 4am, you pussy."

2. The kid who thinks every girl in the dorm wants to jump on him while hes showering. Spoiler alert: He never gets any!

"Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?"

3. The kids who blast techno and drink Smirnoff Ice until 3am every day of the week. Spoiler Alert #2: They probably won't be back sophomore year!

"Who drew on you? I think it was some kid from another dorm"

4. The crazy political kid, whether that be "Free Gaza" or "Glen Beck Rally".

Ya, Keep the tape on and we'll do whatever the f*ck you want.

Part 3: Own Your Shit, TOP FIVE

This is the last part, and the part where we will take a brief break from the attempts at humor to list out the absolute essential Top Five No-Nos of dorm living which must be followed at all costs.

5. Don't puke in the sink. Do not be that D-bag (and there always is one) who pukes in the damn sink. The sink is not a toilet. A toilet takes a golf ball sized object to clog it, but a sink requires only the slightest solid object (i.e. last nights dinner) to clog up. That means that when you puke in the sink on a Friday night and neither you nor the cleaning crew (that comes in on Monday morning) cleans it up, your stinky body stomach filth will fester in the sinks that everyone relies on all weekend, don't be that guy.

4. On a similar note, handle your booze or don't drink. I'm not saying that you can't get drunk or that you shouldn't drink, it is college after all, but don't drink so much that you're holding a floor meeting to tell about the crippling PTSD you acquired from "your first time" or puking off the side of your bed.

3. Cut down on the loud noises after 12. Some people are trying to sleep and you blasting Skrillex on your $2,000 speaker at 120 dB at 3 in the morning is enough to make sleeping beauty arise and beat your ass to death with your subwoofer.

2. Don't be a dick, especially not in the first few weeks of school. Remember those kids in High School who thought they were uber-popular but were in reality really disliked by everyone but were tolerated because they ran with "the cool crowd"?  Guess what, in college they're treated like the losers that everyone knows they are. Just as you wouldn't bring the Middle School attitude into High School, don't bring the High School attitude into College. Nobody will like a well-poisoner in a new environment.


1. AT ALL COSTS: Stay away from the CRAZIES. Look back to Mr. Smoot's post for the levels of craziness for reference on this. Four crazy classes A,B,C,D : Stay away from all of them. Crazies will ruin your life, they will: cling, sabotage, annoy, destroy, misinterpret, damage, poison, undermine, manipulate, and creep you the F*** out. Crazies should be treated like Black Holes: although you can't really see them and don't understand them, all you know is that they are BAD NEWS IN A BAD WAY and must be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS.

Full Circle!!

That'll be all girls, enjoy freshman year.

The Quintessential College Guide for the Incoming Freshman Pt. 1

Well hey there!

Don't you look like an up and coming college freshman!!! (Or...a Jehovah's Witness' door-to-door religious salesman)

I bet you're wondering...gee whiz, what can I expect to find in college?

Snazzy official college sweatshirts?!

Engaging and competent Professors with Master Degrees?!

What about awesome Parties?!

Well friendos, here at The Grog, we make it our life's mission to help give back to the community with our veteran insight and advice!  So for all you incoming and soon to be incoming froshies, here it is: The Grog's Quintessential College Guide for the Incoming Freshman.

We'll be covering such topics as: 
  • Sleeping habits!
  • Diet!
  • Party Etiquette!
  • Bathroom shinanagans!
  • Academics! (Our personal favorite) 
  • Stereotypes you may come across!
Now, we know what you're saying.  "Hey asshole, I already read college tips online at "US News" or "Time Magazine".....and if I wanted to know all that nitty gritty stuff, I could just as easily hit up one of's articles right??"

Well that's where you're wrong friendo.

Here at The Grog, we're actually still at college.

We are giving you a live-feed of what to expect in the here and now...not the "oh, past experiances of me and my broskis 5 years ago before we all got boring as shit cubicle jobs!"

Are we exaggerating?  Maybe a little bit...but that certainly did make for a pretty good opener didn't it?

There's no easy way to go about doing why don't we just jump right on into it?

The Quintessential College Guide for the Incoming Freshman

We're assuming first of all that you're all responsible members of the social networking universe...and thus, you've been invited to your college's "Class of (insert year here)!" Facebook group (and if you're still on MySpace...then all hope is lost).

It is inevitable that you will go through a "friending" phase.

Step 1 of this process: Find a suitable profile picture.

I mean, GOD FORBID someone thinks you're a weirdo.  Also, let's try to make sure we're looking good in this image shall we?  Ladies, put on a cute smile and show some cleavage!  Men, let's get some sports work up in there..or maybe some senior portraits? Or maybe not giving a good Goddamn and leaving it the way it is? THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!!!!!!! 

Step 2: Judge the shit out of everyone.

When it comes down to the pre-college summer, you'll find that shallow scrutiny and 5 second judgement calls of Facebook profile pictures will become natural instincts.  

Some of these judgement calls may be proven false later on in your college career, but others....well...your gut feelings were correct.

Because nothing says "I'm wholesome" quite like the Duck Face.

There are a couple of Facebook College Group stereotypes which, to the best of knowledge of the Authors of The Grog, have never been debunked.

In terms of things you will encounter:
  • The Girl who friends everybody.
  • The Guy who tries (and fails) to stir up excitement for school by posting a topic in the discussion board.
  • The universal question "Hey I'm (fill in the blank) and I'm majoring in communications (which means..I have no f*cking clue what I want to do with my life)!!! What is everyone else doing???"
  • The folks who try to find roommates on the group wall instead of getting randomly assigned with someone.
  • Finally...just regular normal people that are asking legitimate questions.
Chances are, you'll run into a few if not all of these bullet points, however, Step 3 is the most crucial of steps to be taken in your pre-college summer.

Step 3: Assess and recognize when you are seeing an element of crazy.

It seems the universe has a sick sense of humor and will make sure that no matter what school you're at...there will always be a certain ratio of crazy.

How does one go about recognizing crazy?  Well shit...that's almost like asking how do you recognize an insurgent in Afghanistan....crazy does its best to blend in with the normal crowd.

But, since the Authors of the Grog are unapologetically un-PC, we're telling you it is okay to judge and go with your gut.

The second you start ignoring your feelings and giving people chances when CRAZY is staring directly at you from across the've not only lost the battle, but you've also lost the war.

So how do you recognize crazy?

First of all, let's define exactly what we're talking about here.

If you're a male, congratulations! You cannot fall within the spectrum of "crazy" (OMFG we are so sexist).  Don't get us wrong ladies, Male students can still be incompetent tool asswipes that like to drink straight D****** (Censored because I just remembered the folks at home still read this), but they're usually not Drama Divas.

This is what we're getting at here; the best synonym to walk hand in hand with "crazy" is "drama".  It's somewhat hard to spot "drama" through the cyber-woodwork of the social networking world however.

People aren't usually willing to tell you (because they're perfect..didn't you know?) that they are narcissistic manipulative puppet masters who think the world is out to get them, and that every action of every other individual in the school usually revolves around their own life.

So what is the break down of "crazy"?

Well, there are 4 types of crazy that you need to watch out for.

Class A "Crazy":  Class A really isn't that big of a deal, this usually resonates within that certain someone who friends everybody in the Facebook group, but ends up being avoided by everyone on campus.  Class A offenders will usually lose the shadow judgement of weird by the beginning of Sophomore year.

Class B "Crazy":  You've been friended by Class B of "Crazy" and you've also met in person before school.  Sounds like a huzzah!  But wait.  She's being awfully friendly...almost so to a weird extent...but you've decided to go against your gut feelings.  Guys, this lady friendo will hook up with you in the 1st semester guaranteed, BUT WHILE sporting either a hefty dose of mono or currently having a boyfriend.  Ladies, your new found bestie will be friendly all throughout summer until she latches onto a "cool" or "popular" niche of people.  From then on you'll be ignored (including in public).

Class C "Crazy":  I'm not sure if you were aware of the memo they just sent out concerning college hook ups,  but Class C "Crazy" is commonly described as "clingy" or the "marriage-latcher".  As in, she'll latch on to you like a wet blanket of hell after a hook up.  Fortunately, none of the Authors of The Grog have made this mistake, but we've all agreed that just watching the marriage-latcher shit show is bad enough.  Obviously realizing the error in their ways, we've seen our friendos, and our friend's friendos try to wiggle on out of there...but to no avail.  Trying to escape the insecure clutches of the Class C level of "Crazy" is like trying to escape napalm while your pants are covered in gasoline.

Trying to comfort the Class C level of "Crazy" is mindboggling, and you'll eventually give up hope and move on with your life, while the marriage-latcher attempts to make her "lover" jealous by:
  1. Flirting with (and later hooking up with) his friends.
  2. Ignoring his texts or Facebook chats.
  3. Making themselves unavailable.
Unfortunately for the marriage-latcher, these tactics are retarded, and the guy will be extremely thankful attention has been diverted from his presence and onto some other poor schmuck.  When the marriage latcher recognizes that her "lover" in question is not interested, be prepared for crying fits, anger and blatantly going up to the guy in question and having a yelling fest.

Class D "Crazy":  If you thought Class C sounded terrible, welcome to Class D of "Crazy".  This is the worst class of crazy you could ever come across..and if you do, we wish that God may have mercy on your soul (if you're atheist....well, you're pretty much fucked).  How could Class D possibly be worse than a Class C?  


You see, Class D "Crazies" are by nature narcissists.  That means you're either with them, and thus manipulated (their "truth" is usually made up), or your against them, and thus wading through a pile of verbal shit.  

There's also a warped sense of reality with Class D "Crazies".  A simple conversation may be viewed as an accusatory argument, or a sexist bash.  Your actions revolve solely around their life because you are obsessed with them (but not them with you).  Your words will be twisted, or blatantly made up.  And God forbid you say anything contrary to what they want to hear, otherwise you are lying.

Some of us here at The Grog would like to pretend we haven't bumped into this level of "Crazy", but sadly, 4 poor souls on our editorial board have run across this plague of the damned.

So what's the point of this breakdown?  Well for all you ladies and gents who don't want to get caught up in "crazy" and "drama", these are some excellent warning signs to be aware of before your fun new 1st semester at school!!!

So great, you know what the definition of "crazy" is, but now what the hell do you do with it?  You're still on Facebook right?

Here at The Grog, we're firm believers in applying the test of the ages.

Look out for the "Crazy Eyes".

No...not quite like the iconic National Geographic Afghan girl image..


Secondly, try to be on the look out for the "Crazy Rhetoric".

GAH....just talking about crazy drama just makes us want to get the fuck out of we'll say that this concludes Part 1 of the college guide.  

Things you can expect in the future Pt. 2:
  • College Academics!
  • Pricing!
  • The Ratio of Ego-ridden D-Bag professors and kiss-ass students!
  • The Freshman 15!
  • Dorm Etiquette!
  • Party Fouls!
  • And much, much more.
So, until next time....


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running Man

The world of sports is a breeding ground for proving someone wrong. Whether it be that a sports analyst says to the viewing world that one particular player is better than another player for various reasons. When other analysts say that one coach is superior to another. Or even when fans of one team boast to other fans that their team is far superior, the sporting world provides numerous chances to prove somebody wrong. This story in particular is of a man who has not only been told that he cannot win against his competition, but that he in fact could not even compete. This man's name is Oscar Pistorius, and his story is one of the best stories in sports that nobody is talking about.

For the many who do not know Oscar Pistorius, he is a 24 year old runner with who took the hard road to success. Pistorius was born with congenial absence of the fibula in both of his legs. Eleven months into his life, Pistorius had both of his legs amputated below the knees. But amputated legs never stopped Pistorius from running. In 2004, Pistorius competed in the Summer Paralympics and won the 200 meter race in a record 21.97 seconds. In 2005, Pistorius came in sixth  overall in the able-bodied South African 400 meter race with a record time of 47.34 seconds. At the Paralympics in 2006, Pistorius won the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 400 meter events. And in 2007, Pistorius broke the disability world record time 46.56 seconds during the 400 meter event. However, when it came to running against able bodied runners, the International Association of Athletic Federations took issue to Pistorius' desire to compete against able bodied runners.

On March 26th 2007, the International Association of Athletic Federations placed a ban on "any technical device that incorporates springs, wheels or any other element that provides a user with an advantage over another athlete not using such a device." Their ruling effectively banned Oscar Pistorius from competing against able bodied runners in events such as the World Championships and the Olympics. The IAAF claimed that the ruling was not specifically targeted at Pistorius, and they may have had a case because the same IAFF did invite Pistorius to the 400 meter race at the 2005 IAAF Grand Prix. In 2008, Pistorius challenged the ruling and after a two day hearing, the amendment was overturned. Oscar Pistorius was free to run with who ever he wanted to run with. 

Now, in 2011, the story of Oscar Pistorius has come full circle. South Africa announced that Pistorius would be one of the 26 runners representing the country at the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea. No running against other people with physical amputations. No restrictions on the Cheetah Flex Foot bladed legs that Pistorius uses to run. And no more having to prove himself to all of his doubters. It may not be the 2012 Olympics, but when Pistorius takes the track against the able bodied runners, he will get to truly show us all how far he has come as a runner with no legs. 

Oscar Pistorius may not be getting much attention from the mainstream sports media, but a man born without use in his legs competing against able bodied runners is a pretty incredible thing. So let us all wish Oscar Pistorius the best of luck in Daegu, and who knows, perhaps we will see him run for South Africa in London next year.