Monday, March 28, 2011

Blue Falcon(s) of the Week

According to, the definition of a Blue Falcon is as follows: 

"Term originating from the military meaning a "buddy fucker". Someone who is a fuckoff and drags their buddies into shit with them.
Private Pyle got caught with a jelly donut in his footlocker and his platoon got smoked because of it. Pyle is a Blue Falcon."


Blue Falcons suck.

We've all met one on a personal level.

The guy who is a colossal walking cluster**** towards his friends, becoming a tornado of buddy fucking--a warlord of unnecessary drama.

An example being: Why is it my responsibility to find you a girl/a party, on one of the most desolated and fun-deprived towns on the East coast once you get back from your adventuresome exploits at a prestigious military school?  (You know who you are, and that is a perfectly fair example---example being all in good fun).

However it's the National/Worldwide Blue Falcons that are the worst. The guys (or gals) who, because of their Napoleon complexes, personally fuck over thousands to millions of people because the view from the lake house inside their ass is just too good to pass up.

This is of course assuming we're all "Buddies" on a world wide level, as my school's "Diversity" committee would like to think--because we humans should all set aside our differences and accept each other (including the fundamental jihad that would use their peace petitions as TP).

Also: I'm going to go on a tangent here: The Diversity committee are a real bunch of Bravo Foxtrots.
I've basically learned through my education in the wonderfully supportive state of MA that if you're a white Christian, you're automatically a bigot that hates blacks and homosexuals.

I mean I go to a Catholic school, that is Catholic--in name only.  We can't even tolerate our own beliefs because that's seen as inconsiderate of other peoples belief systems.  It's a friggen Catholic says it on all the websites...we have a Catholic church on campus..

I couldnt even tell it was the Christmas season because there were no Christmas trees around campus/no snow/no Christmas music/come on cant say "Merry Christmas", its "Happy Holidays".

Are we so politically correct that I have to respect everyone else's beliefs except for my own?

Catholics aren't exactly the majority religion in the U.S. either.  Regardless My school is characteristically a 99% white school with NO DIVERSITY.  So why is there a Diversity club there telling me I'm somehow being a bigot even though I haven't said anything of the sort to deserve such a label?

I actually got called a fascist online at one point by a kid in my Highschool's ADL (Anti-Defamation League) for being Catholic.  He showed up the next day in BDUs saying he was "fighting the fascists".  Of course it only made sense when I explained this to the office that it wasn't an issue.  I mean how silly of me to forget..acts of bs malice against white Christians don't occur in the U.S.  It's the white Christians that are the problem.  When I even brought up the incident at an ADL "what's wrong with our school-talk", I was told by my teacher that wasn't really an issue, and we needed to instead focus on our non-existent bias and hate problems towards our extremely small homosexual and black population at my school.

Anyway, I'd like to extend the same invite as below in my actual article to the Stonehill Diversity Committee and my High School's GSA/Amnesty International/Anti-Defamation League.  You truly do deserve it.

The Illustrious Order of the Blue Falcon Cordially Invites Muammar el-Qaddafi to Join its Ranks of Honor.

You, Mr. Qaddafi, are a real Buddy Fucker.

You had to go ahead and start killing your own people and starting some big-ta-do instead of doing what you should have done 40 years ago by losing your military coup so we wouldn't have to put up with your endless rain of shit.

According to intelligence reports, you were responsible for some of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the 1980s, including the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which killed 270 people above Scotland.

Problem with the people? Not with your air superiority! That is of course until France (I mean seriously...France) took some initiative and started talking about a military intervention.  Democrats take know you aren't being decisive on a topic of national security when France beats you to the punch.

Partisan politics aside, we've finally got around to that No Fly Zone dealio we were talking about, as you clearly weren't backing down.

With a joint coalition force intervention, hopefully your Bravo Foxtrot tendencies will come to a quick and satisfying end.  I personally have no reservations to give you anything but an unconditional surrender--but we'll see how the politicians want to handle you.

Dear Mr. Muammar el-Qaddafi,

The Illustrious Order of the Blue Falcon has found you fit the criteria to join our exclusive club based off of the following notations.

1) You are a complete and utter D-Bag.
2) Your sense of fashion, like any dictator, is completely ridiculous, obscene and tacky.  We've taken special note of the 3000 prestigious awards that decorate your military jacket.
3) Ruling with an Iron fist is a perfectly acceptable form of ruling your people.  Coupled with an unfair Air Superiority that has crippled Rebel offensives until the No Fly Zone went into affect, your tactics comply with our standards of operation.
4) You look like Scar from The Lion King.

As a result of these findings, it is with pride that we invite you into the ranks of our prestigious order.


A real group of Buddy Fuckers.

(Image produced by RangerUp apparel, not my design!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

TV/Movie Universes I Wish Were Real


"There can be only one."

Dude.  How can a movie/tv series NOT be good with a line like that?!?!?!

The adventure began with a movie titled "Highlander" in 1986 starring Christopher Lambert, Clancy Brown, Roxanne Hart and (guest starring?) Sean Connery.

The basic premise is this: There are immortals amongst us.  No one, not even themselves, know where they came from or why they have been forced to play "the game".  The "game" is an ultimate battle between good and evil where the last man standing gets the "prize".  The rules are pretty immortal cannot be killed unless their head is cut off, and with that-the victor gains the powers of his fallen foe.

Thus, Connor Macleod, the protagonist, is born in 1500s Scotland, where he is, in essence, killed by an evil Immortal named Victor Kruger.  Kruger however is driven off before he can take Connor's head, and so Connor revives after what appeared to be a fatal wound to a mortal man.  His fellow clansmen drive him out, assuming it is the work of the devil.  This is the basic background--the main plot point is Kruger is back, this time in 1985, to take the head of Connor, who is the last Immortal left.

So: There can be only one.


Even Ricky Bobby agrees (at 3:52):

The original trailer for the movie is down below.

P.S. The movie is currently on Hulu (thats people), so I'd suggest you check it out if your into this type of genre movie!  There was a slew of other Highlander movies that came out after the original, but they are all garbage and shouldn't really be bothered with.

The movie showed a couple of flashbacks to different time periods, from 1500s Scotland to Germany in WWII, but it had to focus back on the main storyline and the audience's views into past events Connor went through were short lived.

That's where the 1990s show Highlander came in.  Starring Adrian Paul, as Duncan Macleod (Connor's cousin), the show revolved around a general plot point for each season while opening up more in depth views of the past lives and events immortals witnessed.

The entire series has been uploaded onto YouTube, so I suggest if you have time you could check out a couple of episodes.  The first couple of seasons, in my personal view, are kind of lame and drag on, but the later seasons are put together a lot better.

The intro for season four is down'll give you a basic idea of what the plot for the tv show is about.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pet Peeve of the Day

Family Blogs.

That are open to the public.

Does anyone else find that a little bit weird?  Now I'm not saying I don't find your baby cute and all when I'm clicking the "Next Blog" option and I stumble upon your page....but isn't it kind of weird I'm suddenly involved in your life?  Wouldn't it make more sense to put your blog on private?  That way, you could keep your friends and family involved with your life, while simultaneously barring thousands of strangers from looking at your kids. 

You could quickly eliminate the possibility of having someone start to online stalk your family..lusting for each new update and post on how the "insert-last-name-here" family is doing.  Looks like they're going to Disneyland on the 20th and will be staying at Holiday Inn!!!  


Why would you put that information out on a public domain?

Next thing you know they'll be having a "creepy-old-men-with-large-windowless-vans-filled-with-puppies/balloons-and-candy" convention at the Holiday Inn when you arrive.

It is so f-ing weird....I feel like you're advertising your kids. Not to mention if it's a single mother's blog.  Now, now, I'm not saying they're all the same, but there's usually some flirty dialogue where you tell me how much you love your two kids that are at a cute age, but there's also an underlying tone that you're single and ready to mingle (Just look at the profile picture).  I don't think I'm being too harsh or unfair's weird and a desperate call for attention.  I'm also not being sexist--I have yet to stumble across a blog made by a single father about his kids, but if you find one, then by all means you can message me with your complaints.

Which of course I will ignore, because if you're reading this and getting upset, chances are you have a family blog yourself and you're just getting defensive.

P.S.  If you choose to make a public family blog, please don't give it a cheesy and stupid title.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

People I Didn't Miss in College But I'm Bound to Run Into Whenever I'm Home on Break

The Womanizer (Who is also a major two-faced D-Bag)
Oh Hey there! Yes please! Engage me with your cheesy smile and pat on the back!  I'm delighted to hear you're so interested in how my time is going at school!  Mm...still cruising for the high-school girls I see?  

Everybody probably had at least one of these colossal walking turds in their school.  Obviously the gig is up pretty quick with girls your own age after they've all heard about one hook up too many with the newest batch of freshmen girls...not too mention how you've cheated on every single girlfriend you ever had.

But hey!  Who couldn't resist that charming set of white teeth and plethora of hair?!? Not to mention you got all the lead roles play after play!! Your wardrobe, filled to the brim with button up shirts!!!  You even managed to make maxing out at 98 lbs. on the bench press at junior year football try-outs look good!! 
Who doesn't think you're a handsome rogue?  A modern day Romeo?

1)  Every guy in town who is not a major toolbag himself.

2) Every girl with a brain in town, and the next town over...and possibly the nation.

Naturally, you're only left with the option of underage freshmen girls...wooed by the status of a 'senior' in 2011 they can have the option of 'dating' a college freshman!!!


The Pot Head...or Pot Headi (pl.)
The simple fact that products like this are even produced amazes me.

Everybody has friends that smoke weed.  I'm not slamming my friends that choose to do it occasionally---But if you make a lifestyle out of it?  Chances are I will think you are an idiot.  No, I do not want to see the bong you made out of a hollowed out highlighter/a hollowed out highlighter?  Do you realize how much toxins you're probably taking in from the highlighter residue still left inside of that thing?  No!!!  I do not want to be engaged in a conversation on how beneficial legalizing marijuana would be!!! I don't smoke, I never have, I never will, and you know that!  

Thankfully these conversations usually only last about 2 minutes before the conversation turns to something completely abstract and random (which I deduce is probably because of the highlighter fumes). 

Wow....dude....that bird has a really big head.

Yup...highlighter fumes.

The Phony Drama Girl
High-School Theater Disaster Recipes:  Give a normal conversation about who got the lead role in the play 3 minutes. Anger, mixed with loud exclamations of how the hell "that bitch" got the part, should ensue within the 4 minute marker.  5 minutes will result in fake and phony crying in an attempt to get sympathy.

Ah got the supporting role more than you did the lead pretty much every year of high-school.  You're also an insecure sociopath and a man-eater who desperately needs to be assured your better in fake and real life than other people.  You'd do anything, literally anything, to crawl your way to the top.  You don't hang out with people unless you think they can get you somewhere; whether it's the best party, the best concert or the best seats at that new Broadway play in New York. 

Thankfully I'm usually forewarned if you're in the area.  

The result is me scurrying away in an attempt not to be caught up in your dramatic tendencies. 


The Political Activist

Can I be honest with you?  I'm on break.  Not that I honestly care about Bush's PATRIOT act, or your 9/11 Truth Theories, or your theories on how much of an emotionally detached pig I'm sure I am---and yes!  I absolutely appreciate being automatically counted as some kind of a bigot because I support Israel and not terrorists!  Thank you so much for your concern on the status of my soul!

Luckily for me, you deleted me from Facebook in a fit of anger over my defense of our troops overseas....and you're not much of a that would give way to the Capitalist agenda...

So I guess I don't actually run into you at all over break at any of the stores around town..

Thank God.

Hiatus's not so much that I haven't been on the Grog in a while...but moreover that I just have been completely unable to come up with any new posts/dealing with finals week/procrastination (which I'm giving up for lent)/ahh...I dont even know.

Now that I'm back home (for spring break), and recovering from a lovelllyyyy little fever...I figured I'd just churn out a couple of posts as I have nothing better to do.  These will all probably be random and not make too much sense when placed in order...but as one of my acquaintances (spellcheck told me I should use acquaintanceship) at college would say--f*** itttttttttttttttttt!