Monday, March 14, 2011

Pet Peeve of the Day

Family Blogs.

That are open to the public.

Does anyone else find that a little bit weird?  Now I'm not saying I don't find your baby cute and all when I'm clicking the "Next Blog" option and I stumble upon your page....but isn't it kind of weird I'm suddenly involved in your life?  Wouldn't it make more sense to put your blog on private?  That way, you could keep your friends and family involved with your life, while simultaneously barring thousands of strangers from looking at your kids. 

You could quickly eliminate the possibility of having someone start to online stalk your family..lusting for each new update and post on how the "insert-last-name-here" family is doing.  Looks like they're going to Disneyland on the 20th and will be staying at Holiday Inn!!!  


Why would you put that information out on a public domain?

Next thing you know they'll be having a "creepy-old-men-with-large-windowless-vans-filled-with-puppies/balloons-and-candy" convention at the Holiday Inn when you arrive.

It is so f-ing weird....I feel like you're advertising your kids. Not to mention if it's a single mother's blog.  Now, now, I'm not saying they're all the same, but there's usually some flirty dialogue where you tell me how much you love your two kids that are at a cute age, but there's also an underlying tone that you're single and ready to mingle (Just look at the profile picture).  I don't think I'm being too harsh or unfair's weird and a desperate call for attention.  I'm also not being sexist--I have yet to stumble across a blog made by a single father about his kids, but if you find one, then by all means you can message me with your complaints.

Which of course I will ignore, because if you're reading this and getting upset, chances are you have a family blog yourself and you're just getting defensive.

P.S.  If you choose to make a public family blog, please don't give it a cheesy and stupid title.