Monday, April 9, 2012

Becoming a Judgmental Bastard


This is about my fourth attempt at finishing a post completely.

I'm going to try and hang in here for you.

Forewarning: It's shaping up that this post will seem self-centered and all about "me"---that is, the "old me," the "new me," and etc.

I hate putting serious posts on The Grog.  I'm trying to edit this so y'all can read some "dry-satire" rather than  "rantyness."

I've tried everything from "Seeing the World Through a Critical Eye" to "Ten-Tale Signs You're An Asshole."  I suppose at this point we've reached a culmination of those two posts.

Plain and simple; I'm apparently becoming a critical, blunt, and sometimes judgmental bastard.  More judgmental than in the past it seems.

I'm not going to go on some long-sob-story blah blah blah rant about what created this personality change, but I do recognize that I had a revelation some point down the road of life that created this "new-me."

Now I should note at this point before I further things that I don't view myself as different "me's" like you'd see in a case of multiple-personality-disorder (although that stuff is tragically interesting---we watched a portion of this full documentary in psychology class at highschool); but that my philosophy teacher in college once asked us if we agreed with the theory that for every single second that passes by you are a new person.  As in, the personality of one second ago got old and withered away and a new you was born again.

Hopefully not in the sense of Evil-Ash from "Army of Darkness" with some head-exploding-from-shoulder action. (Source)

At this point, I can see that to an extent, despite at the time thinking "Lady, I can't believe you got a job that requires you to simply ask questions that can never be proved."  I can see it--not due to seconds passing by, but after life-altering events, sure, I can see it.

Some people change for the better, while some people change for the worse.  I've seen both.

Personally, I think I changed for the better.  I cut out a lot of the cancerous activity in my life...but was it at a cost?  Some folks tend to think I've become a bit of an ass. If I had to put down an assessment of myself here I'd say I'm an equalizer of social interaction.  I've become, in my own words, a blunt observer, that...if deemed necessary, doesn't mind making unapologetic observations.

I suppose this would be a good time for a clarification here.  This post isn't something all of you can relate to.  The Grog just so happens to obviously be the most immediate medium where I can reach out to the majority of people who know me and say "Hey.  This is the deal."

So, this is the deal.

I'm still an inner-child.  I still love making people laugh.  I still try to have an inclusive environment.  I'm still the same guy in every manner except:

If you're being an asshole, I'm going to be blunt about it.  I'm not going to try and fix the unfixable, I'll simply cut you loose and move on.

Which, apparently, makes me a real asshole. (Source)

Now don't go all clamoring at once about what I'm referring to here.  I'm not referring to anything.  Personally, sure I've already cut some people loose (yes..both in high-school and college. God forbid someone thinks I'm targeting them with this post).  However, just seeing a lot of other people's friendo problems that can be solved with a simple dose of nut-up-and-just-be-blunt is annoying.  Don't be afraid to play the part of "the asshole" and be the pioneer of that action of dissociation. 

Live your life with people you want to spend your time with folks.  No point in doing the two-faced dance routine until you have to punch in the final ticket.  You might get labeled as "sensitive" for cutting some people loose by your douchey-mc-douchestein friendos that are the ones who keep creating problems for you, but trust me...there are worse things in life.

Like being the asshole that lives in Douchebagistan (Source)
