Thursday, January 13, 2011

2010 was full of action..... albeit terrible action

Again, I'd heavily recommend this site for anybody who likes to procrastinate and for those who just love to laugh at ridiculous stuff in general.  All credit goes to those that uploaded these videos on ---thank you for making my life a lot more fun.

Anyway, I found this website in 2010 and I've been watching videos from it ever since-so this is basically a random collection of what I think are the some of the most so-bad-they're-hilarious, and just so-bad-they're-bad action segments.

Videos are ordered from top to bottom on "so horrible they're tough to get through the whole video"-to "so horrible it's downright hilarious".

#11-Hawk Jones

I'm not even sure what the hell this is, and who the hell decided it would be a good idea for a movie.  This video is so memorizing-ly terrible it was hard for me to get through the whole thing.

#10 Extreme Heist

COME ON!!!! seriously...

#9 2020 Texas Gladiators

This reminds me of an episode in Stargate SG1.  Except that it sucked.

#8 Bulletproof

You'd have to be a butt-horn not to find this hilarious...

#7 CLIP-Fuck the Bonus

It's pretty self-explanatory.  Apparently there must have been a bonus for bringing in Mr. Terrorist alive.  But where's the fun in that when he randomly has a grenade in his mouth?

#6 The Adventures of Mark Twain (read description before watching or you'll totally be all 'wtf')

This isn't hilarious.  In fact it's probably the most depressing thing I've ever seen.  Which begs us to ask---Why the hell is this in a children's show????  That's why it's hilarious...the concept..not the video..because I probably would've cried if I had seen this as a child.

#5 Black Ninja

Self-explanatory....and EPIC.

#4 Deadly Prey

My #2 favorite from an earlier blog post---"The Two Best Videos Ever...In the History of Mankind"---Deadly Prey has finally been beaten out by another ridiculous flick which has it all.  Look below for "Special Forces"

#3 Special Forces

You have to get this one off the actual site itself to see this one, but this may just beat "Deadly Prey" in ridiculousness. 

#2 Miami Connection

Dude.  That was awesome.

#1 Revenge of the Red Baron

Once again, Revenge of the Red Baron finds itself being the heavyweight champion on my list.  I need to find and rent this movie.  


I need to buy this movie.