Friday, May 27, 2011

The 10 (and exactly 10) Posts I Never Got Around To Finishing

The Title is pretty explanatory, these are the posts I never got around to finishing up listed from oldest (the ones I've been putting off for the longest time) to newest (recent posts I haven't finished).

1) Ultimate Bond Review: Worst Ways to Go

Remember how I started off my earlier posts with James Bond related stuff?  This was supposed to be The ULTIMATE REVIEW of worst ways to go in Bond films, but all that research, finding videos and photos, re-watching the movies, and writing paragraphs turned out to be pretty tedious stuff.  I've obviously put this post off the longest, but looking through it again I realize it would be a good post if I finished it---no promises though. 

2) Blasts from the Past

Ah yes...a rather ambitious project.  In my own personal opinion, the 1990s were the best days to grow up. While I've certainly wished I could have partaken in events past generations experienced, all around I'm not particularly jealous of anyone else's childhood.  The point of this post was to highlight things that made the 90s so great for kids--what do kids growing up in the 2000s have?  TV shows that are complete acid trips and aren't creative, technology that constantly becomes better, thus pushing kids towards talking through social mediums like Facebook and texts (which in turn just makes them socially awkward and weird), etc. etc. etc.  

I'm really happy I grew up in the 90s. The technological progress we've made in 20 years is truly astounding.  I mean just look at Cell phones--I can remember when they were absolute bricks, with clumsy large numbers that popped up on the screen...all of a sudden it seems like everyone started getting one (I wasn't allowed to own one until I was 16 years old).  And Videogames?  Holy crap.  I can distinctly remember coming home and talking to my mom about the new (at the time) James Bond N64 game the World is Not Enough----because it featured characters that actually talked with the real actors voices, instead of just having a plain text pop up on screen.  If you look at the graphics of a game made now and one made just 2 years ago you'll even notice profound changes.  It's really mind-blowing when you think about it, and I hate to be cliche-----but really---what will they have 20 years from now?

Anyway, because I don't think I'll ever get around to doing a full post about it, I've included below some of the things I had in my unfinished "Blast from the Past" post.


SimAnt. blast from the past and the reason I decided to put up this post.  I had been watching video game reviews and ultimately stumbled upon a "Lazy Gamer Review" of the "Top 17 Satisfying PC Game Weapons"...check it out here:  
Anyway, the pesticide from SimAnt was in the list and it brought back a lot of memories of the 90s for me.  I can distinctly remember trying to figure out how to play this damn game...and failing at it (I was pretty young at the time, and the game either belonged to my older brother or my older sister).  

Again....truly classic game for me in the younger years.  I don't think I ever beat DuckTales either..but I can remember my sister destroying the game and making it seem extremely easy.


Reading Rainbow


Carmen Sandiego (this one happens to be the "Where in Time" series)

Power Rangers (and kids we didn't realize their colors were "racist")

FisherPrice Toys
The image above is the first FisherPrice Pirate set I ever bought with my own money (this is not mine specifically).  FisherPrice Toys were the golden products for any child in the 90s.  I had the pirate island...the pirate ship...the Castle....the Wild West Town..endless hours of fun as a child.  They do not make toys like they used to.

Things I didn't finish but wanted to hit upon: Legos, Playmobile, Yo-Yo's (remember that phenomenon?), Beanie-Babies, GooseBumps, Animorphs, some classic 90s songs (think Blue from Eiffel 65), math computer games, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, the Kratt Brothers (I have their autograph on an animal book....nbd) etc. etc. etc.

3) The People you'll run across in College

I figured I couldn't make sweeping generalizations in this post about people you'd meet in general (whether at my college or your college, or your friend's college or a family member's college) without someone thinking I was specifically talking about them and starting drama over it.  In fact, I only got around to coming up with two examples, and neither one of them were modeled after people at my school--> "That" Guy, and The ROTC-Nazi.  Regardless it's probably for the best if I never made this post, God only knows what I'd drag myself into.

4) Best Website of the Year

I'd tell you what it is, but I have no idea.  I didn't write anything underneath this post.  If I had to guess now I'd say probably either or

5) The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

I think the point of this was to talk about how I've made fun of RPGs (Role Playing Game--not Rocket Propelled Grenade) in the past, but Oblivion was a true guilty pleasure and I was looking forward to the newest Elder Scroll---Skyrim---set to come out in November.

6) Pet Peeve of the Day

I'm not sure what my Pet Peeve of the Day was for this particular post.  If I had to come up with things that are pissing me off right now I'd probably say: no-income as a result of this economy, people who think they know what is going on but actually have no clue and as a result mess things up, my own personal flaws (procrastination/eating like a pig right now is one of them), and no Air Conditioning.  The last one is very irritable..I say as the skin on my legs/back literally stick to this leather chair.

Actually I'll tell you what my main Pet Peeve is right now.  I've edited this damn thing repeatedly and yet still the spacing is off and the font is not uniform.  I apologize for how jacked up this post is.  I'll make up for it by duck-walking across a foot-ball field later.

"I'm Joe-Joe the duck....."

7) My Workout Song List 

That's a good question.  I guess you could say I listen to a lot of music that has a very strong bass when I work out.  

The artists who have the most songs in my workout list (and the name of said songs) are all listed below. Rock:
Discipline, Down In It, The Hand That Feeds, Head Like a Hole, Sin, Terrible Lie, Kinda I Want To---by Nine Inch Nails
ElectronicBreathe, Charly, Diesel Power, Funky Shit, Mindfields, Narayan, Omen, Warrior's Dance----by The Prodigy.
Weekends!!!, Reptile's Theme, Kill Everybody---by Skrillex
Get Crazy, Shots, La La La, Party Rock Anthem---by LMFAO

NIN, The Prodigy, LMFAO and Skrillex are the only artists in my Workout list which have more than one song.  I have about 60 songs in the list, but they only come from Rock, Rap and Electronic.


I wanted to somehow comment on the absurdity of this artist.  This guy's photo ops are hilarious, his music videos are hilarious, and his music hilariously catchy.  Not hilarious as in ha-ha-ha though...hilarious as in "You Sir, are Absurd."

Apparently he's famous in Sweden, but I became aware of his ridiculously catchy music through the youtube video below.  He's become a staple of Iraq/Afghanistan combat veterans bored out of their minds, showing up in the videos like the one below and also in the critically acclaimed documentary "Restrepo".

What makes Gunther so hilarious beside his music that gets stuck in your head for weeks is that he takes himself dead seriously.  He's 100% serious.  I could never take myself seriously if I had this my homepage.

9) Blue Falcons of the Week: Pakistan

That's pretty self explanatory.  Seriously. You have "no idea" where Bin Laden is?--->Oh whoops, my mistake there, you had no idea where he was.

(The Format on "Navy SEALs" is a little bit messy..I made it in Powerpoint and don't make a living out creating Motivationals)

Ohhhhh Binny silly person.

I don't think I'm ever going to let 5.1.11 down...

10) My Birthday Wish List

1) A nice digital camera
3) An extra pair of boots.
4) Cash

I think that's about it.
