Tuesday, May 3, 2011


9/11/01--2nd Plane



Justice and Victory


Done.  He's dead. Period (It was a head-shot...so he's definitely not coming back as a zombie).

Did I celebrate at the news of his death? You bet your ass I did.  Me, and several other million people in this country openly did so. I have no moral obligations not to. The "man" is responsible for thousands of deaths in the United States and the invasion of two countries (Afghanistan was the gateway to Iraq people...don't start Bush-bashing--we couldn't have invaded Iraq without invading Afghanistan first).

Is it wrong to celebrate?  Is it wrong to flip the birdie to the man responsible for negatively impacting my family and millions of others?

If you have a problem with people celebrating the death of a normal man that's fine.

Osama Bin Laden was not a normal man however.

If you want to be a smart-ass and a tool bag: Anatomically and physically, was Osama Bin Laden a "man"?  Was he a "human being"?  Was he a "father"?  Oh yeah.  Yup.

(Anatomically and physically Hitler, Stalin and Ted Bundy were all men and human beings---see where I'm going with this?)

Does Bin Laden deserve the distinction of being labeled as some kind of a nice normal guy because he was a human being and a father however?  Does he deserve the respect of a normal human being's death?


Normal "men", "fathers", and "human beings" do not mastermind terrorist attacks against illegitimate civilian targets.  Normal "men", "fathers", and "human beings" do not condone bombings that wipe out blocks of people minding their own business. If you can't figure out what normal "men", "fathers", and "human beings" should be doing in society---you need to get your head checked.

If you don't think it's appropriate to celebrate that's fine.  But don't get in the way of those who do if you're using the argument above.  It is BEYOND INSULTING and it's a verbal slap in the face to anyone with family members in the military overseas or ones who were hurt in 9/11 to tell us that Osama Bin Laden was a "man" and a "father" and a "human being" and thus deserves our respect.

Osama Bin Laden is...ahem, was a degenerate piece of despicable garbage and waste of sinew, tissue and blood cells.  I will never respect him in any way shape or form and I'm going to personally have a congratulatory cigar in honor of the SEALs who killed him.  Good riddance to the "man".

It's important to remember that we still have troops overseas and that we should be even more supportive of them.  There's no telling what kind of impact Bin Laden's death will have on the dynamics of battle our forces are facing.

God Bless the Troops overseas.

And I pray that the souls of those who died on 9/11 Rest in Peace.

Bin Laden?  Go Rot in Hell.  Go ahead and quote me on it.


A "Violent person who is twisted for celebrating Bin Laden's death and should rather be spending time respecting Bin Laden for the Human Being he was"


More like Sincerely "an American who's not afraid to show a little patriotism and not jump on the bandwagon of naive foolishness and constantly criticize my own country."


Bin Laden is still a Slime-bag.

Good Riddance