Friday, May 20, 2011

The Top Five Things That Grind My Gears On Facebook

#5 Toolbag Profile Pictures popping up in my Newsfeed

Wow.  You have your shirt off and you're packing a huge lip.  You must be awesome.  Or you're underage and have a Bud Light in your hand....sick must be a real tough-ass. look like a complete and utter idiot, and I've defriended you solely as a result of your lack of RTFU.

#4 Party Albums

"Hm. And I thought that girl (or guy!...God forbid someone thinks I'm being sexist here) had some class."  Seriously unless you want to look trashy (and this applies to dudes too), don't keep yourself tagged in a ridiculous party album.  "Ridiculous" meaning images you wouldn't want your parents looking at.  I mean we had a whole day of briefing on proper Facebook etiquette after several people made stupid online decisions. And while this was certainly more of an issue in high-school than it is now in college, overall...some of y'all still need to learn how to change your security options on your Facebook.  If I'm not friends with you, but can still see your album on my newsfeed because you keep all of your information public...............................might want to get on that.

#3 Chain Messages

Please..stop giving me notifications because someone else decided to have the last word in this 20 person chain message.

#2 Song lyric statuses

If you're having problems in life, try talking to someone in person about it.  Don't convey how you feel through some debbie downer song lyrics....SEEK OUT ACTUAL HELP.  Also on a side terms of "seeking out actual help", if you just found out you're unexpectedly pregnant, I'm not sure Facebook is the proper medium to turn to.  Also--I'm legitimately serious with this--as a response to the news of his girlfriend's pregnancy the guy's post was "brb, time to go grab a coat hanger".

Are you fucking kidding me?  First of all, that guy deserves a slap in the face, both physically and metaphorically with a dose of reality.  I'm not exactly the "get offended by everything type", but that's just inappropriate on every level.  Really. That's the first thing that you post after you find out your gf is pregnant?

That by itself should replace my #1 spot, but thankfully thats the first (and it should be the last) time I run across a post like that.

P.S.  Wake up to reality you twisted degenerate.

#1 PDA albums/profile pictures

Seriously.  If I don't want to see it in person, I don't want to see it on Facebook, and I definitely don't want to see it every time I'm on your profile to write "happy birthday" or I see your thumbnail in my newsfeed.  And really? Is it really necessary to have a 30 picture album of you making out with your boyfriend/girlfriend?  Why? Whyyyyy do you think we all care to see that?  Honesty time: It's friggen disgusting...cut the crap.