Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Obnoxious Pet Peeves Which I Can Quickly Rattle Off

5. People who don't know how to use 4-way stops.
These are not complicated.  Stop behind the white line when you see a red Octagon with the letters "STOP" written in white with in it.  If you got to the stop sign before the other cars, you may go.  If you did not, wait until all of the cars that got there before you did take their turns.  Do not neglect the stop sign and roll into the intersection and honk at me, narrowly missing the hood of my car.  You are a moron, and deserve to be yelled at by me.

4. In general, don't be an idiot when you drive.
CJ can attest to this one.

What's more important, not getting water on your car or not getting into a car accident?

Apparently for the woman driving the SUV across from me in the other lane, water appeared to be more of a danger.

The sprinkler system at the Bank of America ATM where I was headed for had not been installed properly...and instead of spraying the grass, the sprinklers were instead spraying the street.  Instead of staying in her own lane, the woman edged her car into mine, while her face contorted into irritable annoyance at this pesky water.

Noted, she was in a Cadillac Escalade, and did not just jut her car into my lane, but instead opted for a full head on collision.

It's water. Not's not going to corrode the paint on your car, or spill into your gas line and cause your car to explode.

Just one example of thousands of idiotic moments for you right there....another one is pictured below

In all seriousness, I've almost been killed numerous times by morons who text while driving. 

Point being: Don't be a moron when your behind the wheel of a car.  Your "luxury" vehicle can quickly turn into a thousand pound killing machine if you use it like a jackass.

3. Cowardice (via social networking/internet)

This has hit a very serious nerve in me in recent weeks over a very serious topic.  Don't discredit your character by talking shit through a faceless computer.

2. Wrongful Assumptions
This can be a pet peeve in a number of scenarios.

Class A Pet Peeve: Assumptions placed upon that of Personal Character (this is especially my pet peeve if you do not know the person, or already have a preconceived notion of who a person is).
Class B Pet Peeve: Assumptions where you believe you have an inherent knowledge better than those actually involved in a scenario.
Class C Pet Peeve: Assumptions where you believe you have an inherent knowledge of one's (or a group's) actions better than the person(s) themselves.
Class D Pet Peeve: Assumptions based Solely on information given by a 3rd Party, who was not present at the scenario in question.
Class E Pet Peeve: Assumptions based off of false information. 

I can count on one hand the number of people who will wrongfully assume what the foundations for this post were.

Nonetheless, I'm sure people would agree that these types of assumptions are annoying regardless of what type of context they are in.

1. Incompetence
Number 1 Obnoxious Pet Peeve as of right now.

It speaks for itself.
