Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Holy Sh@! People Really Love Raptors

I have almost 4,000 views alone on the Raptor post, due to people being obsessed with "Raptors" and the "Spas 12 Shotgun".

This is a test...let's just see if I include images of a T-Rex and another famous gun, I can hit over 4,000 pageviews on this post.


M1911 (Colt .45)

People must really love raptors.  Which is totally ludicrous if you think about it.  My Bin Laden post, which is a pretty damn big story (If I may say so myself), only got 56 page-views.


People are more interested in freakin creatures that have been dead for millions of years then they are the most dangerous terrorist in the world! (Past tense...because he got nailed by DEVGRU via 7.62mm ((or 5.56..depending on your source))).

So for all you Dino-lovers out there.  Here it is, the ultimate challenge.  

Raptors+Spas 12s VS. T-Rex+M1911 (That's a Colt .45 for all you N00bs out there)----which one will win?