Sunday, July 31, 2011


I was forced to clean out my room yesterday and bumped into a cache of childhood sketches I had made, and saved.  

There's no real rhyme or reason to this, but it's certainly easier to digitally catalog all of my childhood drawings, and I'd thought by sharing some of them it'd be a fun blast in the past.

The first couple of pictures below are drawings I made probably around Elementary school.

The first drawing in a sketchbook I ran across, with some cartoon-y troublesome fun and a PC ending (the guy is okay, and the explosion just rendered him unconscious and in
his boxers)

I must have watched Jurassic Park earlier that day or something.  There's supposed to be the reflection in the Raptor's eye of a guy scared sh*tless as other raptors surround him (I'm sure he thought of something and made it out okay though).

Another michevous character, this guy apparently built a super laser gun/robot which fire at each other to create a massive energy ball....which expands too rapidly, backfiring and blowing up the scientist's lab (he is okay as well). 

This seems pretty straight forward. 
How that guy hid a Periscope in his Mohawk is another question entirely.

I went through a phase where I drew a bunch of mischievous satirical outlooks on famous figures, seen above is Smokey The Bear: Gone Wrong

Same thing only Teletubbies: Gone Wrong.  I think we're still in the Elementary school period.

I was a big fan of film (and I still am), and loved trying to draw out how they'd film certain things in movies.  Above is what I would do if I was filming Voldemort coming out of the cauldron in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

This had to be around Middle School, when I started to write out scripts and plans for movies I'd want to make in the future.

Ah. Some explaining is needed for this one.  This was an English project during my sophomore year of high school.  We were told to create a graphic novel feature on...whatever, and hand it in.  I chose to create my graphic novel on 'a day in highschool, looking through my eyes'.  It was heavy in the satirical but also light-hearted...I didn't seriously believe the school was a perfect mirror of a Nazi Prison camp, but it was fun to portray it in the cliche, prison type deal, the "SchutzStaffel" being replaced by the "School Staff".

I went through all of my high school classes, and depicted my teachers symbolically.  The dove, sitting next to the candle-stick which looks a lot like the Amnesty International symbol, was my English teacher (and the school's head of the Amnesty International club..there's a method to the madness).  The comment about "NO CARBONATED WATER", is a reference to me drinking a Polar Seltzer Can in class every day...and opening it at very inconvenient times while the teacher was speaking.

The next teacher, Mr. Ryan, takes the form of a Roman Emperor.  I did 4 years of Latin at high school, 2 of which were taught under this legendary character.  The man had devoted himself to the Roman world and had a vast collection of artifacts and replicas.  The bio-hazard individual standing in the (what I would imagine phosphorus yellow) smoke was my chemistry teacher.  I can honestly say I did not retain one bit of useful information out of that class.

This has to be a reference to Mr. Hoey's History class, with all of my classmates depicted as animals in a very 'Last Supper'-ish manner.  Probably one of my favorite classes of Sophomore year. 

If you can't tell why that guy in the middle has a star as his head...that was supposed to be a blinding shine, reflecting off of our straight-up-bic-shaved headed Gym Teacher, Mr. Rice.

I should probably mention that this last scene is heaving on the symbolism...and not in the literal.  The explosion at the end is supposed to be symbolic of the release of pressure and stress, resulting in FREEDOM (I'm out of school).  Also..last period was math...I mean..come on.  That period sucked.  Notice the Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator is the time-counter.

However, obviously if I didn't put a HUGE DISCLAIMER here, I'd be getting people taking ideas out of context and thinking that I'm one of those 'troubled types' with major teen angst, setting up a manifesto on the internet.
(and if you didn't pick up on the sarcasm there..I'll be blunt: I'm not a troubled teen with angst setting up a twisted and deranged manifesto on the internet)

I forget what this was...some school-wide art portfolio that was gathered up and distributed at the end of the year.  I'm pretty sure this took place during Middle School.

I didn't trace any of these...first and foremost.  I went through a bit of a Star Wars drawing-phase in Middle School, and I believe (if I'm remembering this correctly) they had asked me to draw something more official looking after seeing one of my other sketches.

The other part of this PAW thing was filled with a couple of Vocabulary quick cartoons I had done for my 7th grade Middle School English teacher, Mrs. K.  She was an intricate part in me continuing to draw, and would set up my vocab cartoons in her class for other classes to look at.  I had totally forgotten about these until now.  I think the ones done for the PAW book were either copies of originals from 7th grade, or one's just made up for the portfolio (also, the portfolio wasn't just me, there were about 20 other students involved in the PAW book).

That got's supposed to say 'Graffiti'

This image above, along with the next two below, are original vocab cartoons from 7th grade.

Loving the clearly visible white-out.  It got a bit cut off, it says "In retrospect, I remembered the day I was soooooooo lucky I bent down to grab a penny"

Going back to my Star Wars phase, I said I hadn't traced any of those drawings...but I'd be crazy to say I did all that from memory.  For complex drawings, not of my own design, I'd place an image above, and freehand it on a picture below...adding whatever background and variations I wanted after that.

This was however, free-handed and from imagination.

I really enjoyed this one.  I had left some sort of meat in a plastic-baggie for lunch on my open agenda book, and some of the meat juice leaked through and left a stain.  I ended up drawing a map of an island on the stain in my agenda book.

I've realized that I haven't drawn anything in years.  I decided to jut down a few quick little sketches after stumbling upon my other drawings, to see if I still had it in me.

Symbolic of the Internal dilemma I was having in my head.  Continue to clean my room? Or  continue to draw?

Well this was fun, looking back on my early imagination.  Hopefully you enjoyed some of the drawings yourself, and maybe I'll share some doodles with you in the future.

'till next time...
